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J'ahmad Emanuel


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J'ahmad Emanuel is a spiritual mystic, life coach, and soul therapist who is dedicated to helping individuals connect wellness, creativity, and success to their purpose in life.

He has a talent of teaching methods that inspire businesses and creatives to be present with opportunities of clarity, growth, and healthy networking. These methods are so simple that everyone could try them and experience a significant increase in the way they feel in only 5 mins. J'ahmad shares that, "if you can be Present with the Present, you will have an undeniable Presence."

J'ahmad Emanuel is a speaker that guides everyone to see and experience their greatest potential right now. He can be booked for workshops, 1-on-1 consulting, meditations, and soul therapy. His mission is to help others turn on the L.I.T.E. in their body, mind, career, and goals. L.I.T.E. = Living intentionally through empowerment is a challenge and choice that J'ahmad presents to everyone to gain back a state of motivation, leadership and the right solutions.

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